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Health & Safety Guidelines

I would like to reassure all my students that strict cleaning and hygiene practices are always in place and that includes cleaning routines as part of my normal work schedule.


All seating, tables and equipment are sanitised in preparation for all classes and every precaution is taken to maintain social distancing to keep you safe. Please consider this when arriving at your class and entry to the property. Bathroom facilities are available and will be cleaned thoroughly prior to your class. Sanitising wipes will be available for you to clean areas once you have used the facility, this includes the seat, flush button and taps. Paper towel will be provided for you to dry your hands along with a bin for you to dispose of the wipes and  paper towel.


Before you come to any classes I would kindly ask if you would check your temperature. If you are not feeling well then, I kindly ask that you stay at home and look after yourself. Classes can be re-arranged for another day if possible. Before entering the building, I will ask you to sanitise your hands, this will be provided for you outside. If you wish to wear a mask please ensure you bring your own. Gloves can also be worn, these can be provided. All tools would have been washed and sanitised before the class but if you prefer, you are welcome to bring your own labelled tools.

During this time, refreshments will not be provided so please bring your own water bottle.

Most importantly, look after yourself and if you have any concerns or worries about attending your class please contact me.






While every endeavour and precaution will be taken to ensure your safety, you are ultimately responsible for your decision to attend class and your own health. As the pandemic is in circulation every interaction carries risk, it is possible for someone to have the virus without any symptoms. I, Lisa Trudgett, your teacher cannot be held responsible for your personal health. I do hope that we can return to normal classes soon but for now we need to take precautions to keep everyone safe. If you do come down with symptoms 14 days or less after attending a class, then I would kindly ask that you notify me as soon as possible. Thank you and I am looking forward to welcoming you back to another exciting Fancy Fondant class.


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